Monday, December 25, 2017

Vaping in Schools

I will admit, being a parent can be scary at times.  Alcohol, drugs, bullying, peer pressure, dating, and today's topic…vaping.  This is new for me, but recently there is a lot of talk about E-Cigarettes that are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, they almost look like flash drives, so this appeals to students, as they are easy to conceal.  The use of an e-cigarette basically heats a liquid into a vapor, which can then be inhaled. The liquid could be a flavored water type mixture, liquid nicotine or even THC, the active element of marijuana.
There is a product called JUUL that is being used.  These devices are introducing teens to nicotine use.  Besides their sleek design, the pods are flavored, so the taste is desirable to adolescents.   Kids are calling it ‘Juuling’, as it sounds better than ‘vaping’, and kids don’t associate it with becoming addicted, because it's not a cigarette.  What they don’t think about is that a single pod of a Juul has roughly the same amount of nicotine as one pack of cigarettes.  Studies are stating that using E Cigarettes, like JUUL, is leading adolescents toward more risky behaviors.  Students are able to do it in class, they quickly take a ‘hit’ and exhale into their sweatshirt hood.  Because there is a sweet mild smell, it is not detected.  Its easy to do in class when a teacher turns around, and equally easy to do in the bathroom.  I explored the JUUL website a bit.  The flavor pods are certainly made to look desirable.  They are cute in size, and advertised with lovely pictures of brightly colored fruit, depending on the flavor.  Certainly, the website clearly states you have to be 21 or over to purchase, and that this device os for adult smokers looking for an alternative to smoking.

Please see the links provided.  Articles from New Hampshire Public Radio as well as an article from the Boston Globe.  Boston Globe article      NHPR article
What can we do?  Communication is always key.  Ask your child if they have heard of “Juuling”, or if they have tried it?  Share your concerns with your child, why this is not a healthy choice, and what it could lead to.  

I have found, even if the conversation is a tough one to have, its better to have it, than not at all.

Find other helpful  links below:

Monday, December 11, 2017

Blizzard Bag Days the KRMS Way

KRSD has been utilizing Blizzard Bag Days for at least 7 years now.  The idea came about by a prior superintendent (Jerry Frew) based on Kearsarge being the largest geographic region in NH.  The idea was that students would work from home and it would count as a school day.  The program has evolved over the years and KRMS has created a unique way to manage these days.

picture of road covered in snow
Our goal at KRMS on a Blizzard Bag Day is for students to learn some important Habits of Mind skills such as persisting, creating, imaging, innovating and remaining open to continuous learning.  We have used a book over the past several years so that all students and staff would have a common experience for future discussions.

This year, we are using Newsela.  This is their motto:  Our motto is “Read closely. Think critically. Be worldly.”  We use daily news to help every student become a better reader and critical thinker.

Students read a variety of articles, submit a written response and take a short quiz to check for understanding.  Students also watch videos related to the theme of the day and submit a brief response.  

We strive for students to learn about a digital citizenship topic on each Blizzard Bag Day in order to enhance their understanding of a specific topic such as online safety or how to set a strong email password.

Each day has some element of student voice that allows students to contribute to the topic of the day.  A new element this year is adding in a global perspective.  Students are participating in what is called The World's Largest Lesson.  This is a link to the KRMS website that has the most current Blizzard Bag Day assignment.

When students return to school, they spend some time in their Blizzard Bag Community Group discussing the readings, activities, and topics that were part of the assignment.

We understand that this is a unique school day so that is why we established the KRMS BB Learning Objectives.

We know that students are learning how to be self-directed and self-motivated to participate in this distance learning model.

We know students have to use their critical thinking skills to figure things out from home.

We believe that these are important skills that will serve students well over the course of their educational endeavors as most students will participate in some sort of distance learning such as VLACS or an online course in middle school, high school, college or in life after school.

What are your thoughts regarding Blizzard Bag Days at KRMS?  Please feel free to share your experiences.