About this Blog

Our hope in creating this blog is to provide a way to have meaningful dialogue about issues facing our children.  We are combining the efforts of 4 departments at KRMS in the delivery of information.  We have Andrea Costanza who is a KRMS administrator.  We have Kara Byrne who is a KRMS Guidance Counselor.  We have Amy Holobowicz who is the KRMS Nurse, and we have Laurie Prewandowski who is a technology integrator.

Our goal is to provide a weekly blog post from the lens of one of the 4 bloggers in order to offer a message about topics important to middle school students and their parents.  We have called this blog Symbiosis because we want it to feel two way and a mutually beneficial relationship between school and home.  We don't want it to feel as if we are lecturing and you have to simply listen.  We want you to feel like you are a key voice in the process.  With a blog, there is the ability to respond and comment on posts.  We hope that you will use the communication tool to give us honest input on each topic.  We will do our best to use feedback to make KRMS the best place possible for students to learn.

We also have a Google Form that is anonymous.  Please use this to direct our conversations.  We have topic ideas based on our roles in the district, but we want YOU to help decide the topics.  What do you want to know about that we seem to never discuss?  Use the anonymous form to let us know.

Feel free to leave comments on this page as well on topics that matter to you and your children.

We hope this serves as a vehicle that gives you a voice and an ability to offer input.  We know that many families can't come to meetings and don't have time to read and respond to multiple emails.  We hope this method will become valuable.

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