Monday, May 20, 2019

Diffusing Digital Drama: A Invitation to Chat with an Expert

As I have mentioned in prior posts, I consider Common Sense Media to be a reliable and valuable resource for educators, parents and students.  On Tuesday, May 21, 2019, Common Sense Media is going to hold a live chat with Jamie Nunez on Diffusing Digital Drama.  To sign up and join, click on this link.  After signing up, I got an email in about 15 minutes and I had to create an account.  It ws fast and easy to do.

This is a recent bio about Jamie.

image of the word chatJamie is the Bay Area Regional Manager at Common Sense and has spent the last 15 years leading education initiatives by learner centered design. With both high school teaching and administration experience, Jamie has designed creative labs for educators, researched learning styles of gang members, and facilitated numerous ​​workshops on student attention gaps in digital spaces​​​​​. 

The common threads across his career are the beliefs that learning is most powerful when it’s founded on individual experience, and digital tools are most impactful when they fosters inclusion.

Jamie holds a B.A. in international relations from UC Santa Barbara, M.A in education from SF State and a Doctorate in international comparative education at Stanford.  When not working, Jamie can be found surfing in the Bay Area or making new sangria recipes to share with friends.
Since digital drama seems to invade the lives of many children, I thought it was a worthwhile resource to share.  

Consider signing up to be included in the live chat with Jamie.  He is going to discuss what to do when your child has a tantrum when his/her phone is taken away and how to spot digital issues that your kids may be facing.

If you don't have time to participate in the live chat, perhaps you want to share some digital drama topics that you think we can work on together at KRMS.  Use the comments area of this blog to share your thoughts.