Monday, October 30, 2017

Nurse Amy

This is a new adventure for me.  I have never read a blog, or even considered writing one.  I am honored with this, and I look forward to sharing information and ideas for supporting our families.

There are so many health related topics that I could share.  Upcoming Influenza vaccine clinics, immunization requirements, how to stay healthy in the upcoming winter months, concussions, eating disorders, I could go on forever.  I am hoping through collaboration, this blog will evolve into something helpful for families.   

So for starters, I thought I would start with our District word of the year: INSPIRE.  To me, the word inspire means many things. It makes me think about all that we do, that we say, how we act/react, how we influence others.   I think about my own children as well as the children at KRMS, how they influence me, and I influence them.   

Exercising and running are two activities I enjoy.  I have a few favorite running routes, but they usually involve a short drive from school to start the run.  Mostly because I did not want people to see me, running.  Then one day, a colleague said, ‘you should run from school.  Be happy that students and staff members might see you’.  ‘Seeing you run, may spark something in them’.  What a great way to motivate me, and possibly another person.  I was so focused on my actions while in school, it didn’t dawn on me, that I could be equally influential OUTSIDE of school.    

Being a part of a school district, I realize how front and center we can be.  I want to live my life in a way that might encourage my children, my students or my fellow staff to make a positive change in their life.  It might be as simple as smiling, and spreading some joy to someone who might need it.

My goal as the nurse of KRMS is not only to keep kids healthy while at school, but encourage them to embrace healthy habits out of school, giving them the foundation to grow up with a strong sense of themselves and their wellness.  I try daily to help kids assess their situation, use their resources and see what they can do for themselves before resorting to a “medical” intervention.  How much rest are kids getting, how much hydration?  Healthy food choices with a few fun ones?  How much social media exposure/screen time are they getting?  Any exercise?  I find so often, children are not eating well, they have a lot of down time, on some sort of device, and they don’t sleep. 

As an adult, I need to check in from time to time to rebalance my life.  I don’t always get enough sleep, I love Swedish Fish and buttery movie popcorn, and I spend a lot of time on my smartphone!  Growing, impressionable children, need us. As parents, teachers, school support staff, we are natural mentors.  Willing to inspire, by demonstrating a well balanced life, that sometimes needs to be tweeked in order to regain balance again.  Its ok to make adjustments, that’s life! 

So that was my opener.  Nothing too earth shattering, but hopefully some insight into who I am as a person. Hopefully this blog will be looked at as a way for you as parents to communicate with me, what you want to see for your kids.  Any health issue that is important enough for you to mention, is important to me.  This is a process we will tackle together.  Learning, collaborating and inspiring along the way!

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