Monday, November 27, 2017

Winter Health Tips

Can you believe the switch in weather?  As beautiful as it is, it also means cold and flu season is upon us.

We all know what to do, but sometimes a few friendly reminders are needed.  This year we were able to vaccinate 132 students here at the Middle School.  This is a service provided to NH schools through the Department of Health and Human Services and the Public Health Department.  While we can’t be 100% positive that this vaccine will prevent the prevalent influenza strain this season, it does decrease the chances of becoming infected. 

Of course we don’t willingly hang out with sick people, but sometimes it is just not avoidable.  Public places like schools, work, grocery stores, gas stations are Petri dishes with an assortment of germs that may, or may not make us sick.  Fortunately, our immune system helps protect us, but we have some leg work to do as well.

            #1: Vaccinate against the Flu.  Ask your family Medical Provider about vaccine clinics in your area.  This is a safe and easy way to help prevent the virus.

            #2: Stops Germs!  Limit exposure to sick people.  Stay home and rest!  If you can, stay home at least 24 hours after your fever is gone without fever-reducing medications.  Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue, or ‘sneeze in your sleeve’.  Throw tissue away and WASH YOUR HANDS.  If soap and water is not available, an alcohol based hand sanitizer may be used. Soap and water are best. Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes.  This is an easy way to transmit germs. Clean and disinfect surface areas when needed. 
#3: Stay hydrated.  Water is a miracle…we need it to survive.  When we are ill, we need more to prevent dehydration and flush out our systems.

This is a tough time on the calendar.  We are run down, stressed, tired, not to mention the weather is dark and cold and we have 2 major holidays before the end of the year.  This is a perfect storm allowing germs to settle in and take over. 

Take time for yourself and your family.  Care for one another, and stay healthy.  

For more information, please use this link for the CDC:

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