Monday, May 7, 2018

Digital Well-Being

Are you addicted to your phone?  To social media?  To Facebook?

Before you respond, you have to read this article about how technology companies are making your experience addicting on purpose and by specific design.  Don't fret though.  Those red notifications that are shown to you intentionally to elicit a response can be overcome.  Here are some tips on how to avoid the addiction traps.

One thing that struck me when I was reading this information was how easy it is for adults to become as addicted as kids.  Adults seem to be able to notice when commercials are trying to convince us to buy products we don't need and when grocery stores place that candy at the checkout line so that kids might ask for it, but we don't apply the same understanding to our phone.

Check out this resource called Truth About Tech:  A Road Map for Kids' Digital Well-Being offered by Common Sense Media.  It is an exceptional article that highlights how technology that captures the attention of our children isn't always what is best for their well-being.  Please, please, please read the Road Map.  It has data that might shock you.  It also has some specific ways that we can act.

Please use the comment feature below to discuss which data point alarmed you and which call to action we can do as a KRMS team.

Works Cited
Filucci, Sierra. “Control Your Phone. Don't Let It Control You.”
Common Sense Media: Ratings, Reviews, and Advice, Common Sense Media,
1 Feb. 2018,
“Kids' Digital Well-Being Is Common Sense | Common Sense Media.”
Common Sense Media: Ratings, Reviews, and Advice, Common Sense Media,
“Take Control.” Center for Humane Technology,

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