Monday, December 10, 2018

Today's topic: Energy drinks.  

If you head to any energy drink website, I think you will find images that are appealing.  Famous athletes and music groups who endorse the drink.  Statements about health benefits, and/or weight loss benefits.  Flavors that are enticing to all age groups. 

Most energy drinks contain large amounts of caffeine, sugar and other substances.  The amount of caffeine and other ingredients vary, so label reading is important.  

As we know, Caffeine can provide a temporary energy boost. This boost is short-lived, usually leaving the person feeling tired, and thinking they need another one to get them out of the slump.  Hence the "addiction" to these drinks.  
Too much caffeine, or caffeine-like substances, can lead to:

  • Nervousness/ Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia: Disrupts teens sleep patterns
  • Digestive problems

  • Dehydration
  • Damage to children's still-developing cardiovascular and nervous systems
  • Rapid heartbeat or heart rhythm disturbances
  • Increased blood pressure

Monster, Rockstar, Kick Start, and Amp seem to be popular.   I was floored with all of the options!   Redline (one I had never heard of), seems to have the most caffeine, at a whopping, 250mg of  in one can!  From what I have read, one cup of Joe has between 45-95 mg of caffeine.  So, these drinks certainly pack a punch!

Please check out these product links and weigh in?  What do you think about this?

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