Monday, October 22, 2018

For the Love of Reading!

This year at KRMS, we are making a concerted effort to foster a love of reading in our students. A cohort of teachers read Donalyn Miller’s The Book Whisperer over the summer and we are modeling our initiatives after many of Miller’s own classroom practices and recommendations.

Research shows that student choice in what they read and devoted time to independent reading increases student achievement. Moreover, students who are given time to read independently in school are more engaged and motivated to read.

Each of the ELA teachers are building independent reading into their classroom routines and core curriculum. In the sixth grade, students are using their independent reading texts as a mindful activity to prepare them to engage in class. Seventh graders are reading self-selected books for the first 10 minutes of class each day. The eighth grade is devoting every Friday to independent reading with what they are calling “Free Read Friday.”

At each grade level, reading is being celebrated and shared. The eighth grade is pioneering a “Book Ambassador” activity in which two or three students from each ELA class travel to the opposite cluster to share the book they are reading. Students were reluctant at first, but now clamor for the opportunity to be the week’s Book Ambassador.

Independent reading is also being incorporated into our intervention block (RTI). Students who are not in need of interventions during their scheduled RTI time are able to read a book of their choice. Teachers are also using this time to read and model good reading habits. I have been making “reading rounds” and am enjoying reading alongside students and hearing about their books. My book list is growing based on all of the students’ recommendations!

I hope that students are showing the same enthusiasm for reading at home as they are in school! Asking your student about the book they are reading is a great way to spark conversation at the dinner table, on the way home from sporting events or a musical rehearsal, or during the morning commute. 

Keep reading!

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